Jesus' Miracle Word
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52. Jesus' Miracle Word

Zacchaeus Sees

Zacchaeus sees Jesus from a TreeThe adventure stories, the prophecies, the laws, and even Bible genealogies have something to tell us about God's love for us. Jesus' miracle word had great importance, but Jesus added other examples to this. As a tax collector, Jesus' conversation with Zacchaeus was no doubt despised by the crowd but did not astonish them. Instead, all the people who saw it started grumbling. Luke 19.7 recorded they said, "This man has gone as a guest to the home of a sinner!" Jesus showed that he genuinely cared for a sinner like Zacchaeus by staying at his house and eating with him. This confrontation changed Zacchaeus' attitude and life.

Happy Birthday Relationship

Happy Birthday CardWe develop a Happy Birthday relationship when we celebrate a child's birthday. Children are really like unfurled flags to us! Victor Jones highlighted a significant truth about relationships being reinforced by actions when he said, "Until he acts, your character is like an unfurled flag. We don't know the colors." Actions and reactions reinforce words and are the building blocks of relationships. Thus, the Sunday school teacher needs to show and tell each child that they care. The teacher can do this in many ways, but an easy way is to send a Birthday card to wish each child a happy birthday! Teacher-child relationships might even mean taking an interest in your children's families or hobbies, including what they like to read or video games they want to play. It may extend to visiting the home, getting to know the family. In this way, you will build up meaningful relationships.

Sunday School Lesson
Video 14

The Sunday school lesson video seeks to help prepare resources for the Sunday school class teacher to teach their children. The Sunday school lesson video will help prepare the Sunday school teacher and is the fourth session in the program, "Kingdom Kids." We are going to look together at lesson preparation. There are seven steps that I would encourage you to take. These are prayer and reading the curriculum, examining the relevant Bible passages, evaluating the form, deciding on the content, and running through the Sunday school lesson. We need to devote enough time to lesson preparation as this can make all the difference between them. As you read through the material, you will discover what is in it and what kind of resources we might need bearing in mind the theme chosen for that day. Evaluate the form of the lesson each time. Try to have an inspiring beginning and something to grab the children's attention. Set the theme and bring in content that will clarify and expand it. Build up to a high point in the lesson and then at the end allow it to ebb away, so the children are not hyper when they finish the class. Video 15 of this series is 3 minutes and 39 seconds long.

Church School Content
Video 15

This church school content video seeks to help the teacher select the most relevant content, most exciting materials for each class. Video 16 of this series is 1 minute and 42 seconds long.

Sunday School Character
Video 16

This Sunday school character video lesson highlights the characteristics of an excellent Sunday school presentation for the children. What qualities do we look for in a good Sunday school lesson? This Sunday school lesson character video highlights the good, the bad, and the indifferent. Video 17 of this series on effective Sunday schools is 3 minutes and 46 seconds long. You can find a complete overview of all of the Tellout Online training videos on YouTube.

"Jesus' Miracle Word"
by Ron Meacock © 1982-2021

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