Church School Growth
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45. Church School Growth

Teachers' Gifts

Teacher and ChildrenThough society, culture, and a whole gamut of other things have changed in the last two hundred and thirty-eight years, the qualities required by the Church school teacher and the problems and joys that face him or her are essentially still the same today. Then teachers needed to encourage curiosity and be animated question marks themselves for their pupils' thinking minds. In researching this page, I came across some other groundbreaking work in schools for children around the country. These were probably more like day schools than the Sunday school model developed in Gloucester in 1780. Nevertheless, they are remarkable examples of concern for impoverished children in the cities and the lack of education. On August 13th, 1736, the "Society Promoting Sunday Schools" was founded, and between 1736 and 1841, one and a quarter million school students enrolled. The Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge (S.P.C.K) founded six-day schools in London in 1700, and by 1704 had fifty-four schools with three thousand students. By 1712, one hundred and seventeen schools, with five thousand students, existed. By 1741, they had two thousand schools. These and other magnificent efforts were happening in England under God's hand to promote schools and provide Christian education and literacy for working children.

Like many of the great movements of God, it initially did not go that well, and after six months, Robert Raikes' ministry closed down. The reason is that they found it very difficult to keep discipline! Thinks don't change a lot, do they? The Rev John Wesley advertized Sunday schools widely in England, Wales, and Scotland, and they sprang up almost overnight. Under Wesley, it was seen as a form of Christian education and not merely a way of keeping the children off the street and teaching them their letters. Initially, Raikes had paid for qualified teachers to lead the Sunday school, but this developed into a lay ministry as it was down to this present day. There weren't many rules in those days. One that amused me was that Raikes wrote, "All that I require are clean hands, clean faces and their hair combed. If they have no clean shirt come in what you have on." He frowned on cursing and swearing and encouraged kindness and obedience to parents. This video shows how church schools sprang up all over the World from their beginnings in Gloucester, England.✞

Object Teaching

Though society, culture, and a whole gamut of other things have changed in the last two hundred and thirty-eight years, the Christian gifts required by the Sunday school teacher and the problems and joys that face them are essentially still the same today. Teachers needed to encourage curiosity and be animated question marks themselves for their pupils' thinking minds. The second Church school method that Jesus sometimes used was "object teaching." He taught us not to be anxious about food or clothing. He did this by taking a flower in Luke 12.27-28 and saying, "Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you of little faith!" A little thing like a wildflower illustrates how much God cares for each of us! This teaching method video shows how in the same way, the Church School teacher can capture their student's imagination by using objects such as a pebble, a stamp, or a matchstick to teach Biblical truths! Finally, teach by example. Jesus showed in his life what he intended in his teaching. The children hear our words, but most importantly, they see our lives. We live out our Christianity, and the children see our actions and learn from our stories. How has the Church School changed since the days of Robert Raikes? What were his motives? Look for examples of those seven teaching methods that Jesus used.✞

"Church School Growth"
by Ron Meacock © 1982-2021

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