Jewish Passover Table
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Jewish Passover Table
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Christian Celebrations

Jewish Passover TablePassover is the festival which commemorated the exodus of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Christians in Asia Minor celebrated Easter at the same time as the Jewish Passover because of this. For Jews, the Passover was a time for family gatherings. They wished each other "Happy Passover," as Christians wish each other "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Easter."

Israelites From Slavery

According to John Foster(1921-2000) an eminent Anglican priest and author in "The First Advance, Church History 1, AD 29-500," Christians began their "14th Nisan" with a solemn fast, remembering the Crucifixion, and ended that same day with joyful Eucharist, to mark the Resurrection. How is Sunday true to its roots in your Christian Community?✞

"Jewish Passover Table"
by Ron Meacock © 2019

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